The Virtual Highland Cattle Show

Virtual Highland Show

Maximum number of entries per Fold for is 10 no exceptions. There will be no substitues allowed or request for a different photo or animal. In the past I have allowed it but it is very time consuming and frustrating on my part. Please make sure you entered one animal in a class, if in error two animals are entered in the same class, the first animal I add will be the animal regardless of requests. I am sorry in advance if this upsets some people.


before your enter.....

Please no requests to change photos or entries once they have been posted on to the pages.



All Entries except classes 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22 must be registered with the Offical Highland Cattle Society in there Country of origin, and owned by the breeder entering

 Please note class dates have been changed and classes amended. Please also ask your societies for support of the show by providing a Ribbon from your society for any winners or place getters.


The closing date for the 2020 show is on the 1st of October 2020. Please do not leave your entries to the last couple of days, before closing date. Please also note once an animal is entered, a change of photo or animal entered will not be allowed....

Judging will commence one all entries have been completed.





All animals ages upto including the 1st of October 2020

Class 1 - Bull, 4 months and under 12 months.
Class 2 - Bull 12 months and under 18 months
Class 3 - Bull, 18 months and under 24 months.
Class 4 - Bull, 24 months and under 36 months
Class 5 - Bull, 36 months and under 48 months.
Class 6 -Bull, 48 months and under 60 months
Class 7- Bull, 60 months and under 10 years.
Class 8 -Veteran Bull over 10 years.
Class 9 - Heifer, 4 months and under 12 months.
Class 10 - Heifer, 12 months and under 18 months.
Class 11 - Heifer, 18 months and under 24 months.
Class 12- Heifer, 24 months and under 36 months
Class 13- Cow, 36 months and under 48 months
Class 14 - Cow, 48 months and under 60 months.
Class 15 - Cow, 60 months and under 10 years.
Class 16 - Cow with Calf at Foot any age
Class 17 -Veteran Cow over 10 years.
Class 18 - Scenic Photo to include Highland Cattle
Class 19 - Funny Photo to include Highland Cattle
Class 20 - Highland Steer 12 -20 months
Class 21 - Highland Steer between the ages of 20 -36 months
Class 22 Steer 20 -36 months(Sire or Dam must be a Highland and the other breed named).
All Photos entered may be used by anyone that wishes to use for the promotion of the Virtual show or Highland breed. If you do not agree then please do not enter. (Recogniton were and who provided the photo should be acknowledged when being used).






For further information
